Sunday, January 26, 2020

Lustration In Czech Republic And Slovakia Social Policy Essay

Lustration In Czech Republic And Slovakia Social Policy Essay Twenty years after the Velvet Revolution resulting in the change of regime, common feeling prevailing in both, Slovakia and the Czech Republic is disillusion. According to the latest polls of STEM agency, forty years of communist oppression would not discourage 12.3% Czechs to vote for the Communist Party in next election. In Slovakia, the Communist Party would enjoy only 3.1% support as FOCUS agency discovered. However, it cannot be concluded that Czechs excused leaders and collaborators of former regime whereas Slovaks did not. These figures have to be seen in the light of approaches Slovakia and the Czech Republic pursued in coping with their communist past. Absence of the lustration law in Slovakia caused that leaders and collaborators of former regime pervaded into new political system easily, and now can be found in many other parties throughout the political spectrum, apart from the Communist Party. Thus, their actual support cannot be verified. Whereas, the lustration law in the Czech Republic disqualified leaders and collaborators of former regime from holding public positions. This essay tries to argue that although approaches Slovakia and the Czech Republic pursued in coping with their communist past were completely different, surprisingly, none of them led to satisfactory outcomes. This essay primarily presents strengths and weaknesses of the lustration law adopted in 1991, as it applied to the Czech Republic and Slovakia together until its dissolution in 1993. Moreover, with minor changes, it has been valid since then in the Czech Republic. On the contrary, in Slovakia it expired in 1996. This essay describes unfavourable consequences of absence of the lustration law in Slovakia. However, it also mentions harms its existence and strict enforcement did in the Czech Republic. While being a common state, Czechs and Slovaks pursued the same attitude in coping with their communist past. Its Federal Assembly passed the lustration law as the first post communist government on October 4, 1991. This law stated precisely who can and cannot hold certain public positions. A person who was: member of State Secret Police (hereinafter referred to as StB), resident, agent, owner of conspiracy flat, informer, ideological or conscious collaborator of StB, high-ranked official of the Communist Party, member of Peoples Militias, student, or researcher at one of the KGB universities for longer than three months, was excluded from public employment (Act on Lustration 1991). In addition, this law specified more precisely category conscious collaborator as person recorded in StB files as confident or candidate for collaboration (1991). The lustration law, valid until 1996, obliged everyone holding a leading public position, including public enterprises, courts, media outlets and higher education institutions to require the Interior Ministry for lustration certificate, of 8-euro value (Lustration Act 1991). However, lustrations happened even before putting the lustration law into life. The Federal Assembly already in January that year passed a resolution in accordance with all members of parliament, ministers, their deputies and civil servants had to be screened for StB collaboration. It did not take long until the first ethical concerns were raised about both, the resolution and the lustration law. Roman David mentions that the International Labour Organisation criticized them for being discriminatory towards the expression of political opinion and human rights groups for violating the right to express, associate, be free from discrimination, and participate in public life (2004, 790). The headlines of internationally respected dailies called lustrations in Czechoslovakia Witch Hunts, Hunts for Villains (New York Times 1991) or Grounds for New Injustices (Le Monde 1992), describing them as threats to democracy, fragile anyway at that time. Many scholars mention that new policy makers used exactly contrary argument, defending lustrations as a mean to build and strengthen democracy. They believed if leaders and collaborators with former regime were given public employment, it would undermine democracy. (David 2004, 795; Williams 2003, 2) In this regard, it is difficult, if not impossible to decide who was wrong and right. However, it is possible to define the strengths and weaknesses of the lustration law from 1991. First, the criticism of the lustration law based on the deprivation of political rights does not hold the water. It prevented leaders and collaborators of former regime from public employment, but as Roman David argues the right to public employment was deliberately omitted from the European Convention of Human Rights (2004, 797). Moreover, he adds that the Communist Party in Czechoslovakia from 1948 to 1989 was a monolithic organisation which excluded opposition, prohibited discussion and did not allow free elections (2004, 799). It cannot be considered standard political party as it does not fulfil general criteria of a political party recognized in democracy. Thus, it can hardly claim the same legal protection which is given to other parties. (2004, 799) Furthermore, public employment is identified with certain values. Roman David uses an example of USA where the Supreme Court has confirmed several qualifications for public employees, such as trust, integrity and competency, fitness and loyalty and impartiality, fairness and effectiveness' (2004, 797). This shows that the public employment demands exemplary behaviour. Can someone who contributed to oppression of others be an example for others? Does he hold these values? When identifying former regime and its actors, its crimes should not be overlooked. According to the Czech Office for the Documentation and the Investigation of the Crimes of Communism, from 1948 to 1989, 205 486 persons were imprisoned and 248 persons were executed for political reasons, 282 persons died when trying to cross western borders, and 21 440 persons were placed in forced labour camps from 1948 to 1953. Besides, these figures do not include damages of those, who were deprived from possibility to study, work in their field, and were exposed to constant pursuit of StB and regular interrogations, during which StB members were not reluctant to use violent practices. The Communist Party not only gave consent to these practices carried out by the Peoples Militias that was armed forces of the Communist Party and by StB, it encouraged them to use them. Would not their former members be a threat to unstable democracy in Czechoslovakia, if they were given a chance to participate in public decisions? Knowing the context, is not surprising that after 1989 new policy makers took uncompromising stance towards leaders and collaborators with former regime and dismissed them from political life. However, while one ethical concern was solved, another popped up. If a dismissal from public employment was legitimate, then who to dismiss was in question. As nothing is black and white, simple division on bad and good proved to be impossible for a whole variety reasons. Certainly, thousands of people collaborated with former regime voluntarily for personal gains, fully aware of harms their actions caused to others. However, with new lustrations becoming public, new life stories disclosed proved it was not always the case. Some people seemed to be forced to agree on collaboration. Simply, they had no other choice if they wanted to protect their families and friends, keep their employment, study at universities or even if they wanted to continue dissenting against regime. Who could say s/he was in such situation and decided not to collaborate? A handful could. The political party Public against Violence (hereinafter referred to as VPN), created after 1989 mostly from dissidents was one of the firsts that decided to verify whether their candidates ranked to this handful and screened them for StB collaboration. If they were positive (meaning, they had records in StB files as collaborators), either they resigned or we withdrew them from their position. These were dreadful days. We saw life stories of people who were broken in prisons, uranium mines, during their travels abroad or simply at work. Some of them were our long-time friends, Fedor Gal, Slovak dissident and co-founder of VPN recalls (tyzden 2009). It turned out some of leaders of the Velvet revolution had records in StB files as hostile persons, but as collaborators at the same time. The situation got complicated. Was it right to use the same measure for everyone? Moreover, when the definition of categories excluded from public employment in the lustration law proved to be imprecise . However, no controversy could be found in respect to high-ranked officials of the Communist Party, the same could not be said about StB collaborators and members of Peoples Militias. High positions in the Communist Party were to be queued. Everyone who reached this hierarchic level within the system not only decided voluntarily, but also had to put much effort in order to reach it. As Roman David argues, Only devoted and loyal candidates were granted membership. He stresses these were aware of illicit aims of the Communist Party (2004, 802). The StB collaborators were also conscious members. However, in some cases StB members blackmailed them in order to make them sign the agreement on co-operation. Still, the biggest loophole occurred in the category of Peoples Militias members. As Roman David emphasises, even though Peoples Militias helped to oppress the opposition during the communist coup in February 1948, they did not necessarily know this was its purpose when they entered the organization. Later on, when they realized it, they could not disjoin the organization, as it was almost impossible with any communist organisation. (2004, 802) Furthermore, not everyone who entered the Peoples Militias even after the communist coup shared its purposes. The circumstances varied from case to case. This essay would use the case of Milan Kuta, published in the New York Times. Milan Kuta was respected oncologist when he was offered to lead the Oncology Centre in not very favourite Czech town Chomutov in 1985. In order to get this employment, he had to enter the Communist Party and provide the Peoples Militias with first-aid courses. Never being active in political life before, he decided to accept the offer, as he knew it was the only way for the centre to get appropriate finances and for him to get more interesting job. However, in 1991, after the lustration law was enforced, he as the director of state-owned medical centre found himself in unpleasant situation. Coming under the category inconsistent with public employment, he had to resign from his position. (New York Times 1992) Nowadays, Milan Kuta still works in the Oncolog y Centre in Chomutov and is considered renowned specialist in his field. If a role of the lustration law were simplified to being a mean inflicting punishment on collaborators with former regime for their past wrongdoings, it would be difficult to say what Milan Kuta did wrong. Furthermore, in this case, it would be also difficult to defend the lustration as a mean to build and strengthen democracy. How would democracy be endangered if Milan Kuta stayed in his post? He was not active in the Communist Party, and he never collaborated with StB. The only criticism could come from giving Peoples Militias first-aid courses. First, was this inherently bad? Second, could this be compared to pursuing people and oppressing their fundamental rights? It hardly could. Thus, was not a burden of collective guilt too heavy for Milan Kuta? Not only he loosed his post in the Oncology Centre, he had to face a disdain of society. Moreover, Milan Kuta was not the only case. Many people were harmed by imprecise definition of some categories inconsistent with public employment according to the lustration law and by the principle of collective guilt, it imposed. Finally, also the credibility of StB files was questionable. Political leaders, old as well as new, in both countries quickly realized these could be useful tools for political blackmailing. Pavel Zacek, the Czech historian from The Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes in Prague claims, StB files were manipulated and thousands of them possibly destroyed by StB, but also the Communist Party, Peoples Militias, and army immediately after the Velvet revolution (SME 2009). This suspicion puts another question mark behind the legitimacy of the lustration law in Czechoslovakia. The lustration law passed in 1991 in Czechoslovakia was important step in preventing leaders and collaborators with former regime from shifting newly built democracy back to dictatorship. However, it was step uncertain, unaware of direction it wanted to take and of destination, it wanted to reach. The categories of people affected by the lustration law were too broad. The public employment covered significant part of the labour market after 1989. Thus, too many people were deprived from public employment and the lustration law did not differentiate among them. A doctor giving first-aid courses to Peoples Militias was in the same position as member of StB pursuing and interrogating innocent people. The lustration law from 1991 was common basis for both countries, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. However, Czechs were initiators and insisted on the lustration law more than Slovaks, which proved to be true after the split of Czechoslovakia in 1993 as well. As Nadya Nedelsky mentions, while the Czech Republic kept the lustration law, prolonged its validity in 1995 and in 2000, though the president Vaclav Havel vetoed its prolongation both times, Slovakia let the lustration law expired in 1996 and never enacted it again. (2004, 76, 66) In the Czech Republic, the lustration law was amended in 2000, granting an exemption to persons born after the 1st December 1972. These, if having interest in public employment were not obliged to submit either lustration certificate or statutory declaration (Amendment of Lustration Act 2000). There are several reasons explaining diverged approaches in dealing with communist past. Most often, scholars argue that the regime was not equally tough in both countries. Nadya Nedelsky confirms it and adds to that that the main reason why both countries were not treated in the same way was different level of dissent. According to her, low level of dissent in Slovakia led to lesser oppression of Slovaks, and consequently after the Velvet revolution to lesser interest in transitional justice as well. (2004, 81) After 1989, Slovak public became divided not only in this matter. Certainly, there was a public support for lustration processes. However, it was not so unite as in the Czech Republic. Significant part of Slovak public was already occupied with the idea of independent Slovak state. This one seemed to prevail. Although, strength of regime or disunity of public in the matter of transitional justice played important role in deciding for and against the lustration law, they do not provide with sufficient reasoning of two contrary attitudes. The character of political scene of that time in both countries should not be omitted in this debate. Nadya Nedelsky mentions, even though Vaclav Klaus and Vladimir Meciar, Czech and Slovak political leader who gained their popularity from playing crucial roles in a split of Czechoslovakia, had several common features, they led both countries to completely different directions. While the government of Vaclav Klaus got the Czech Republic closer to the western democracies, authoritarian government of Vladimir Meciar, breaking fundamental human rights got Slovakia to international isolation. Even though Vaclav Klaus several times expressed his belief that looking back into past can prevent from moving forward in the present and future, he always voted for the lustration law. On the contrary, Vladimir Meciar was strongly against the lustration law, surprisingly referring to violation of human rights. Moreover, regarding Vladimir Meciar, he was accused of stealing and destroying StB files that could discredit him, as he was suspected to be collaborator of StB. As Vaclav Klaus and Vladimir Meciar formed newly created republics for several years after the split to big extent, it is not surprising that the attitude toward lustration turned in the Czech Republic and Slovakia into completely different directions just because they had a different view on it. Nevertheless, surprisingly, different directions these two approaches took did not result in different ends. Harms the lustration law and its strict enforcement caused in the Czech Republic because of its loose definition were described above. Nevertheless, harms its absence caused in Slovakia are not fewer. Lack of public and political interest in settling the past resulted in politics, but also church being riddled by former communists. The most known is the case of Jan Sokol, former Roman Catholic archbishop accused of collaborating with former regime. Even though, his name popped up in StB files several times, never as of hostile person, but as of candidate for collaboration, and later on as of agent, and there was found a record disclosing about whom he informed StB, he never admitted it or offered his resignation. (Nations Memory Institute 2004-2009) Not having the lustration law, Slovakia did not have any mechanisms to withdraw Jan Sokol from his position. Again, similarly as in the case of Milan Kuta, Jan Sokol is not an exception. Slovakia never fully extricated from the influence of leaders and collaborators of former regime. In addition, Slovak political development after 1989 is the case in point, what crucial role the lustration law plays in democratisation processes. Slovakia with its do nothing approach in dealing with the communist past, proved to be weak to protect its young democracy, as Vladimir Meciars government apparently did not comply with democratic principles. Overall, twenty years passed since the lustration law in the Czech Republic has been in force and thirteen since in Slovakia it expired. Certainly, it played important role in strengthening democracy after 1989. A fear that leaders and collaborators with former regime could undermine was understandable. However, is this law tenable in the Czech Republic now being a part of the European Union since 2004? Is not same fear groundless? Who will redress all the damages done to reputations of unjustly accused of collaboration? Vice versa, who will redress all the damages done to dissidents in Slovakia who suffered from oppression of the communist regime, and have to see now their oppressors making public decisions? These unanswered questions did not have to be posed if either the Czech Republic or Slovakia adopted more consistent approach in dealing with their communist past. References Czech Office for the Documentation and the Investigation of the Crimes of Communism. The Number of Casualties of the Communist Regime in Czechoslovakia from 1948 to 1989. (accessed December 4, 2009) David, Roman. 2004. Transitional Injustice? Criteria for Conformity of Lustration to the Right to Political Expression. Europe-Asia Studies. 56, no. 6: 789-812. Engelberg, Stephen. 1992. The Velvet Revolution Gets Rough. New York Times. May 31. (accessed December 4, 2009) Federal Assembly of the Czechoslovak Federative Republic. 1991. Zà ¡kon, ktorà ½m sa ustanovujà º niektorà © d(alÃ… ¡ie predpoklady na và ½kon niektorà ½ch funkcià ­ v Ã… ¡tà ¡tnych orgà ¡noch a organizà ¡cià ¡ch C(eskej a Slovenskej Federatà ­vnej Republiky, C(eskej republiky a Slovenskej republiky. (Act on Lustration) 455/1991. FOCUS (Marketing and Social Research agency in Slovakia). Electoral Political Party Preferences for November 2009, (accessed December 4, 2009) Gal, Fedor. 2009. Lustracie III. Tyzden (Slovakia). August 30. (accessed December 4, 2009) Monroy, Catherine. 1992. Difficile lustration en Tchà ©coslovaquie Le sort rà ©servà © aux anciens communistes risque de donner lieu à   de nouvelles injustices. Le Monde. February 24. (accessed December 4, 2009) Nations Memory Institute. 2004-2009. Sprà ¡va Ã…  tB Bratislava (The StB Report Bratislava). (accessed December 4, 2009) Nedelsky, Nadya. 2004. Divergent Responses to a Common Past: Transitional Justice in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Theory and Society. 33, no. 1: 65-115. New York Times, national edition. 1991. A Witch Hunt in Prague? April 6. (accessed December 4, 2009) STEM (The Centre for Empirical Survey in the Czech Republic). STEM Political Party Preferences for November 2009, (accessed December 4, 2009) TASR, Meciar vyuzival materialy StB, tvrdi cesky historik (Meciar abused StB material, says the Czech historian), SME, October 7, 2009. Williams, Kieran. 2003. Lustration As the Securitization of Democracy in Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic. The Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics. 19, no. 4: 1-24.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Dunkin Donuts: Strategy and Strategic Management Essay

â…  . Introduction of the Company Dunkin’ Donuts is an American global doughnut company and coffehouse chain based in Canton, Massachusetts. In 1948, William Rosenberg opened his first restaurant as Open Kettle, in Quincy, Massachusetts. In 1949, the name ‘Open Kettle’ was changed to ‘Kettle Donuts’. In 1950, it was founded by William Rosenberg in Quincy, Massachusetts. And the now corporate name Dunkin’ Donuts adopted. In 1955, Rosenberg sold franchise of Dunkin’ Donuts to others. In 1959, Rosenberg was began lobbying for Dunkin’ Donuts at the International Franchise Association. In 1963, the chain’s 100th restaurant opened. In 1979, Growth was exponential starting. The chain had 1,000 restaurants. In 1990, the chain had 2,000 restaurants. In 1992, the chain had 3,000 restaurants. In 1996, bagels were introduced to the Dunkin’ Donuts menu. In 1997, breakfast sandwiches were introduced to the Dunkin’ Donuts menu. was founded by a customer, for disgruntled consumers and employees to lodge complaints about the company. In 1999, the site appeared before the company’s own website in many search engines, and received national media coverage before being purchased by Dunkin’ Donuts. In 2002, Rosenberg passed away from bladder cancer at the age of 86 in his Mashepee, Cape Cod home. In 2004, the company’s headquarters were relocated to Canton. In 2006, Dunkin’ Donuts began using the slogan â€Å"America Runs on Dunkin† which continues to be used in many advertisement campaigns. In 2007, Dunkin’ Donuts featured tear-off pieces on its coffee cups and created a promotional campaign centered on a coffee cup named Joe Dunkin. In 2008, Dunkin’ Donuts opened its first â€Å"green† restaurant in St. Peterburg, Florida that is Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design(LEED) certified. On December 10,2008, Nigel Travis was appointed Chief Excutive Officer of Dunkin’ Donuts’ Brands. Dunkin’ Donuts offered a 99 cent latte, cappuccino, and espresso promotion from 1-10 pm. In 2009, Nigel Travis assumed the role of Dunkin’ Donuts President. Dunkin’ Donuts temporarily stopped the sale of Dunkaccino and hot chocalate because of concern of a possible salmonella poisoning at a suppplier’s facilities. The Kainos Partners Holding Co., which owned and operated 56 Dunkin’ Donuts, filed for bankruptcy. In 2010, Dunkin’ Donuts’ gloabal system-wide sales were $6 billion. In 2011, Dunkin’ Donuts ranked first for customer loyalty in the coffee category by Brand Keys.(~2016) In 2012, Dunkin’ Donuts switched its beverage provider from PepsiCo to The Coca-Cola but Canadian restaurants. Dunkin’ Donuts launched its first-ever mobile application for payment and gifting for iPhone, iPod touch and Android smartphones. In 2013, Nigel Travis assumed the role of Chairman of the Board and Paul Twohig was appointed to President, Dunkin’ Donuts U.S & Canada. Dunkin’ Brands was bought by French beverage company Pernod Ricard S.A.   The Dunkin’ Donuts chain in Thailand used an advertisement that contained a photograph of a woman in black face-paint, and then was criticized by racist. In 2014, Dunkin’ Donuts is owned by Dunkin’ Brands Inc. that also owns Baskin-Robbins.1 â… ¡. Background of the Case Case7 is Strategy and Strategic Management parts. The group will try a combination of the Dunkin Donuts SWOT analysis coming out to Takeaway7.2 in it. Dunkin Donuts is located firmly in the brand image itself a product called donut when viewed in terms of Strength first. So, you are ahead of the exclusive position in the same line of business. Loyal customers of Dunkin Donuts are sufficiently secured as much as the preemption. In addition, there is a confidence in marketing as much as  maintaining the top spot by far the confectionery industry, also the ability of marketing, it is world-class standards. In the second Weakness surface, recognition of the donut is high, awareness of Dunkin coffee is insufficient. In addition, due to excessive low-price policy, image of low-cost coffee are planted. And with the exception of coffee, drink alternative missing. In addition, the sense of crisis has increased the advent of direct competitors, such as Krispy Kreme. However, in Opportunity surface, Life patterns of consumers, rather than rice and miso soup with bread and coffee were changed. The greatest opportunities is that number of competitor is small. So is that customer acquisition potential of the donut market is large. Bean market has many competitors. However, the possibility of development of the market potential has a number of advantages. Finally let’s look at the part of the threat. Not good visual of Fast Food. And Due to the recession, consumer sentiment will have been shrinking. Due to preemption of coffee bar in the coffee market will be larger for the anxiety. Next the group will explain 4P strategy. First, let’s look at the side of the Price of 4P. Donut has maintained the price of 700-900 yens, Coffee is between 1900-2900 won the traditional coffee brands to be priced much lower than. This leads to a competitive product that can be together a delicious coffee and donuts at 4000 yen is the price of a cup of coffee Starbuck. However, the image of coffee poor quality of low-cost, there is no competitiveness. So, Dunkin ‘Donuts is tried to produce a new production for Fussy appetite domestic consumers. Reasonable price in terms of taste and quality as well as Dunkin’ Donuts is an advantage. In terms of the product, Dunkin’ Donuts is the core of the approximately 50 more Donuts and recently more diverse is the coffee. Use only Al Rabika John coffee beans, management and strict retention period, use only the high quality that meets packaged (packaging), Dunkin coffee is inclined efforts of most clean and freshness. In addition, The basic idea of the Dunkin ‘Donuts is the QSC. Q is quality of the product (Quality), S is the course all services (Service), C is means cleanliness most important in food (Cleanliness). In order to protect the QSC, Apart from other products to make the donuts each region operates 10 plants twice a day produces fresh  donuts. In addition, if the distribution is limited to 12 hours per day overdue. Made on the day of the donut, but can sell to consumers with strict internal discipline. In third aspect place, It is intended for office workers and college students in their 20s and 30s are the most important core layer, Dunkin Donuts, important Jongno, and university district and Gangnam which I opened a store such. Lung shop rate and stay in less than 5%, I’m running the first also to ensure the distribution chain. However, as important as the fact that increasing the number of stores is the atmosphere of the store. Went to make the image work and home, and during the middle of the store through the ads in a variety of media. Strategy to place a comfortable third he was successful in the same way as home. Gentrification of these places is as important as to gentrification the quality of the product. Finally, promotion, for connecting in relation to consumer intense, yet friendly awareness of Dunkin ‘brand that is already known in order to solidify to consolidate its position as one of the existing market in, I was the advertising executive on a large scale. It was great results from a subject and rapid industrialization, the office workers in their 20s and 30s that are always busy with work, we performed aggressive marketing that appealed to the sensibility. When you eat a donut to be out from the sale of donut simple, always, enjoys with coffee, women in their 20s and 30s like Lee Byung Hun, Kim Jae Won, advertisements that put a strong message, by the executive with the actor handsome young like Otani Ryohei, and attracted the eyes of these. â… ¢ Answers to Questions â… ¢-1. what does a Porter’s Five Forces analysis reveal about the industry in which Dunkin Donuts and starbuck’s compete, and what are its strategic implications for Dunkin Donuts? Dunkin Donuts make challenge to Starbucks. Tony Fabez who is the COO of Dunkin international said â€Å"You can drink fresh brewed coffee only passed 2~4 weeks at Dunkin while you drink coffee made by coffee bean which passed 6 months from roasted.† Dunkin actually originally have sell coffee, but Dunkin challenge king of coffee shop-Starbucks,2 so Dunkin is new entrance  of coffee market. Dunkin’s competitive benefit is overwhelming number of franchises and cheaper price. Starbucks original coffee costs 2.5$ while Dunkins original coffee costs 1.9$. Primarily coffee market has low entry barrier. I learned in society class that coffee producing country can’t start price fixing because coffee is easy to growing. Rivalry among existing firms is intensive. There are so many coffee shops like Starbucks, Hollys coffee, Tom and Toms coffee, etc.. Saturation is exact. In other word, a lots number of coffee shop are presenting the large needs of coffee. Suppliers-as yo u know, there are abundant suppliers- buyers easily gets coffee beans. And competitors also can easily gets coffee beans. Actually coffee suppliers are selling it for too cheap price so buyer takes too much benefits.3 except coffee bean supplier, there are coffee roaster supplier, but I think their tiny company can’t exert their influence to major companies. Buyer-I think those company should take care of the buyers, the most should pay attention, buyers are sensitive at taste and price but they take a serious view of accessibility, service, awareness and atmosphere. Dunkin has better accessibility but if buyers first meet friend in a long time or meet people in business, they will go to Starbucks not dunkin! It means Starbucks’ competitive benefit is formality. Subtitute products-What can subtitute coffee? There are no tea franchise. Except alchol, there aren’t any ‘hot’ beverage like coffee. Recent 5 years, coffee importation market become 3 times bigger. I think anything can’t subtitute coffee yet.4 Dunkin donuts covet Starbucks unsing huge funds power and distribution network. The business doesn’t needs heavy investment and decision. Dunkin get bigger and bigger and invasing other companies. But coffee market has low entry barrier. Dunkin could be threated by bigger major company at any time. If Dunkin want survive at market, it should develop their new own competitive benefit. For example, Starbucks distribute soluble coffee which has brand of Starbucks. â… ¢-2 Q: In what ways is Dunkin’ Donuts presently using strategic alliances, and how could cooperative strategies further assist with its master plan for growth? Dunkin’ Donuts often partners with a select group of retailers-such as Stop &  Shop and Wal-Mart. This activity has found another new market in those people who need to have a rest in shopping. The cooperative strategies are very useful in fierce market, it can low the cost of open new coffee store and acquire more profit. Dunkin’ Donuts has been joining with many theme parks, ball parks, important places and lodges. They also have expanded to sporting venues like Fenway Park and the TD Bank north Garden. Partnering with popular companies and organizations helps them gain popularity and shows how popular places support Dunkin’ Donuts. Dunkin’ Donuts has come up with a brilliant new strategy for growth within the coffee industry. In 2002 the company formed an alliance with Stop & Shop Supermarkets. The agreement allowed Dunkin Donuts to have a full service coffee shop in over 5,000 stores throughout Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York and New Jersey. This partnership benefitted the Stop & Shop Supermarket’s business because it added value for the customers to drink gourmet coffee during grocery shopping.5 â… ¢-3 Q: Do you see evidence of strategic leadership in Dunkin’s U.S. expansion plans if so how? Expand into new markets using a disciplined approach. They believe that the Western part of the U.S. represents a significant growth opportunity for Dunkin Donuts. Specifically, in the near-term, they intend to maintain a focus on development in contiguous markets that are adjacent to their existing base, and generally move outward to less penetrated markets in progression, providing for marketing and supply chain. Although Dunkin’ Donuts has a strong presence in Northeastern U.S., they do not have a strong presence in other areas of the country. The map below depicts the abundant amount of stores in the East compared to the rest of the country. By 2020, however, they plan to have a total of 15,000 stores in the United States which would almost double their current U.S. presence. In addition to the United States, Dunkin’ Donuts has been serving customers internationally for over 40 years and currently operates over 3,100 stores in 32 countries. Their growth is successfu l due to their store consistency and strong franchises; out of their approximately 10,000 stores worldwide, about 7,000 of them are franchises. Therefore, consistency between these stores is of  great importance. Dunkin’ Donuts now offers Dunkin’ Donuts K-Cup ® portion packs, making â€Å"America’s Favorite Coffee† available for use with the Keurig ® Single-Cup Brewing system. Sold exclusively at participating Dunkin’ Donuts restaurants in the United States, Dunkin’ K-Cup ® portion packs are offered in five popular flavors, including Original Blend, Dunkin’ Decaf ®, French Vanilla, Hazelnut and Dunkin’ Dark ® Roast. Dunkin Donuts has designed a strategy of cost leadership. Cost leadership id defined as offering the same product of equal or better quality at a price that is equal to or less than the competition. Since most consumers today are very price/cost conscious, this type of business strategy is very appealing to them. It makes for a lower profit margin but allows for greater volume of sold product. This strategy can be difficult to attain as it requir es great discipline in controlling costs and expenditures. The overall operations of the business must be kept in check at all times in order to maintain a lower price over its competitors. Dunkin Donuts’ produces more product sales than that of Starbuck’s, its nearest competitor. All prices at restaurant chains are fixed but because Dunkin’ sells a higher volume of product they are able to maintain overall profitability. Dunkin’s carries only a limited number of items which allows for better controls along with superior customer service. Like its competitors, Starbucks and McDonald’s, Dunkin’ Donuts offers the same great service at each one of its independently owned locations. Most Dunkin’ Donuts Stores are placed strategically in centers with a lower rent factor. Furthermore, since all of Dunkin’ items come from the same vendors, costs can be easily controlled. Should any of these vendors choose to increase prices, Dunkin’ can easily find new vendors.6 IV. Compare with another company in similar issue of chapter. Dunkin Donuts 1. Basic strategy – Expand the U.S market, Entry into the world’s major regions Through the expansion of the store any region can see a dunkin. Dunkin images in life that can be planted. 2. Enhanced coffee beverages sold. Drink 50% Coffee 20% Meal 30% sales. Coffee market, trying to stand up . 3 .Dount is favorite food from Meal replacement food by repositioning. Dunkin Donuts coffee in the morning to visit and eat. American peoples wake up and eat breakfast at the Dunkin Donuts.. 4. Star marketing using celebrities and characters. The stars who appeared in the popular, If planted in high-quality give consumers the impression that donut. (Michael Vale trademark Dunkin 80s) 5. Dunkins’ image In life with the trends in consumer preferences the timely development of new products. Made by other companies inside the trend Dunkin had their own way, the product is immediately released quickly. Dunkin has released bagels a lot of revenues. 6. Live to die. Almost all companies when his company is unlikely to change the advertising strategy. But dunkin is different. Brand power is at highest out a new advertising. AS a result, today’s Maker of the world’s largest coffee and bakery is growing. The change in the timing of the match and the change to a new level, because it changed the brand marketing strategy . Krispy Kreme Donuts. 2004 in Korea first open. On December 16, 2004 , the first â€Å"HOT NOW† neon sign was turned on in Korea for the first Time in Asia. As of 2012, Krispy Kreme provides customers with warm and fresh doughnuts In its about 70 nationwide stores. SWOT analysis Strength – LOTTE shopping with partnership. LOTTE is experience in distribution and catering business and know-how plenty. So it is possible to differentiate the taste of donuts. Marketing strategy So it was trying to create a brand image of sophisticated. Unique marketing (Offer free donuts , Word-of-mouth marketing , The unique packaging) Automated Production Systems. Showed the customers manufacturing process (Experience for customers) If you buy a lot offered a discount ( dozen) Weakness The sweetness of the donut and High calorie. Therefore Koreans are likely to not fit national mouth. Low accessibility , High price. Opportunity So the price is low and 10 junior and senior high school students prefer a sweet food. You can easily buy a hand and Satisfies the needs of their preferred products So twenties is main targeting customers. .To have a family and have a wonderful time out to take advantage of as many Take-out. Threats The low level of competition in the donut market. Formed before the start of business from word-of-mouth. Because of Dunkin Donut products consumers there is recognition that the Dunkin Donuts Dunkin first mover advantage market → Market share 90% The spread of cultural well-being. In addition, a number of competitors have entered the country. (Mr.Donut , Tono studio dount) Totally compared [Dunkin VS Krispy Kreme] Doughnut market is Dunkin Donut is the first shop in itaewon in 1994. Dunkin is 10 years donut market has been monopolized. But the killer is Dunkin Donut’s Krispy Kreme donuts are made in korea market entry in 2004. Broke an official Dunkin=Donuts. Krispy Kreme donuts could reason against because the only way to differentiate manner. Hard and we have domesticated white powder donuts , fluffy and warm donuts is the impact of new. Dunkin Donuts does not  have a special representative of the product. Unlike Krsipy Kreme made directly from the store piping hot representative of the original glazed products layer was targeting mania. Also, instead of receiving undue criticism PPL ad, A neon sign is turned on â€Å"hot now† give away free donuts, hot offers and events, Consumers are prepared to look at a donut unveiled. Because of this differentiated strategy, Krispy Kreme donuts in the domestic market in two years revenue grew by 200%. While Dunkin Donut’s is marke t share decline and there was no revenue growth. More, Dunkin Donuts is the number of stores is often compared to its competitors However, revenue can be compared to its competitors is the third. More difficult for the economy, the donut market has a booming. Dunkin Donuts since 2010, a day 3-5time directly from the store baked donuts providing customers with introduced the system PFD(Premium Fresh Donuts). Made at the factory was trying to get out into the image. While, Krispy Kreme donuts, making the product directly to retail stores is expansion difficult to operate. So, distribution you can quickly produced a small donut shop was opened in fresh shop. As a result, its plans to increase market share. Dunkin Donuts stores are conscious of latecomers to bake donuts that directly is because Krispy Kreme as its competitors it is a threats. These days, focusing on the side of coffee than donuts, so will get lost in a lot of donuts customer. Krispy Kreme is makes it easy to find the customers, if you expand the number of stores. One w ill be able to go higher than the top of the industry.7 V. Conclusion So in this report, we are decided Dunkin’ Donuts has five competitive point Similar as Porter’s five forces. A. Substitute product : Krispy Kreme Dunkin Donuts does not have a special representative of the product. Unlike Krsipy Kreme made directly from the store piping hot representative of the original glazed products layer was targeting mania. Also, instead of receiving undue criticism PPL ad, A neon sign is turned on â€Å"hot now† give away free donuts, hot offers and events, Consumers are prepared to look at a donut unveiled. Because of this differentiated strategy, Krispy Kreme donuts in the domestic market in two years revenue grew by 200%. While Dunkin  Donut’s is market share decline and there was no revenue growth. More, Dunkin Donuts is the number of stores is often compared to its competitors However, revenue can be compared to its competitors is the third. More difficult for the economy, the donut market has a booming. Dunkin Donuts since 2010, a day 3-5time directly from the store baked donuts providing customers with introduced the system PFD(Premium Fresh Donuts). Made at the factory was trying to get out into the image. While, Krispy Kreme donuts, making the product directly to retail stores is expansion difficult to operate. So, distribution you can quickly produced a small donut shop was opened in fresh shop. As a result, its plans to increase market share. B. New Entrants: Mister Donut Now almost all Mister Donut stores have changed their names to Dunkin’ Donuts, and Mister Donut no longer exists anymore in America. However, before Mister Donut was acquired, both Dunkin’ Donuts and Mister Donut had started to do business in Japan in the 1970’s. Dunkin’ Donuts was run by a food company, Yoshinoya, which mainly provides a meal known as beef rice bowl. Mister Donut was run by a cleaning company, Duskin, in Japan. Dunkin’ Donuts failed in Japan and withdrew, but Mister Donut succeeded and dominated the doughnut industry in Japan. Even now, Mister Donut continues to be the most popular doughnut chain in Japan, even though you can’t find it anymore in America. On the contrary, you can’t find any Dunkin’ Donuts in Japan, even though it is the world biggest doughnut chain. 8 C. Suppliers: Coca-Cola Reuters reports that Dunkin’ Donuts has dropped PepsiCo drinks in favor of Coca-Cola products at its 9,400 Dunkin’ and Baskin Robbins shops across the U.S. Terms of the deal haven’t been disclosed, Reuters notes, but the move likely left a bad taste in the mouths of Pepsi executives. In January, Dunkin’ revealed plans to double the number of existing Dunkin’ Donuts stores over the next two decades, according toThe Consumerist. Still, Pepsi released a polite statement, noting that, â€Å"Dunkin’ Donuts has been a valued partner of PepsiCo over the last five years and we’ve enjoyed being part of  its success.† Enterprise News reports that the Dunkin’ Donuts deal covers Coke’ juice, energy drink and water brands, including Powerade, Minute Maid, Simply, Dasani and Vitaminwater. Coke beverages will appear at Dunkin’ Donuts and Baskin-Robbins shops by late spring, and all Pepsi drinks will disappear by August .9 D. Customers In Opportunity surface, life pattern of the consumer rather than the rice and miso soup, I began to turn into bread and coffee. And, it has the characteristics associated with Take-out culture on the theme of coffee and a donut to eat easily Dunkin Donuts. The greatest opportunity is that the acquisition of potential customers donut market is large by competitors in the market of donut is very small. And while competitors often market of beans, potential for development of the potential market also has a number of advantages. Dunkin Donuts’ have its own strategy. They have grown as the doughnut market leader. In spite of several competitors and new entrances, they continuously have developed their own strategic management. For fulfilling customers’ demand, they will study the best strategy from now and on.

Friday, January 10, 2020

The Basics of Essay Writing Assistance

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Thursday, January 2, 2020

Dr. Martin Luther King s I Have A Dream Speech - 1696 Words

Dr. Martin Luther King’s â€Å"I Have a Dream† speech has served as inspiration to multiple generations in the 52 years since his words were spoken. Individuals and groups have rallied behind his message of equality and peace and quoted this speech countless times in an attempt to further Dr. King’s dream of bringing racial injustice to an end. In this speech, which was delivered as the culmination of the March for Jobs in 1962, Dr. King addressed nearly 250,000 people to bring awareness to the injustices facing black Americans at the time his speech was given. Much credit is given to Martin Luther King, Jr. and to this speech in particular, for propelling the American Civil Rights movement of the 1960’s forward and attaining some of its goals. The speech begins with Dr. King establishing his ethos, a way of convincing his audience of his credibility, by connecting himself with President Abraham Lincoln. He does this first by referencing the opening line of Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, delivered during the US Civil War in which Lincoln fought with the Union for abolishing slavery. King then goes on to directly cite the former president by referring to Lincoln’s signing of the Emancipation Proclamation, noting that in the one hundred years since it’s signing the country had not delivered to its African American citizens what the Emancipation Proclamation had promised them. It is also worth mentioning that Dr. King’s speech is delivered on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial,Show MoreRelatedObservations On The s I Have A Dream Speech By Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.881 Words   |  4 Pages5 years ago, Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his I Have a Dream Speech on the Washington Mall 47 years ago, an d Mother Teresa was born a century ago. Monday: Katrina; Tuesday: I Have a Dream; Today: Mother Teresa After spending a great deal of time on and devoting a good deal of space to the two previous subjects in this series on recent anniversaries, 2005 s devastating Hurricane Katrina and the world-changing 1963 I Have a Dream speech by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., I had looked forwardRead MoreAnalysis of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.s I Have A Dream Speech619 Words   |  3 Pages28, 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered one of the most famous speeches of all time to an audience of more than 200,000 civil rights supporters on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. In his, â€Å"I have a dream† speech, King addressed his encouragement of white and black people working together to achieve racial peace and harmony. He especially wanted to teach the young blacks that equality could be gained through the use of non-violence. The main reason King used nonviolenceRead MoreRhetorical Analysis of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.s I Have A Dream Speech915 Words   |  4 Pages Dr. Martin Luther King delivered his I Have a Dream speech to the thousands of African Americans who had marched on Washington, D.C. at the height of the Civil Rights Movement. The date of the speech was August 28, 1963, but it is one that will live for generations. Of course his purpose was to convince his audience on several fronts: he sought to persuade the black community to stand up for the rights afforded them under the Constitution, and he also sought to Read Moreâ€Å"a Comparison of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’S ‘I Have a Dream’ Speech and ‘Letter from a Birmingham Jail’†.1444 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"A Comparison of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s ‘I Have a Dream’ speech and ‘Letter from a Birmingham Jail’†. 9% Similarity Born in Atlanta Georgia in 1929, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., conceivably lived as one of the greatest social and religious leaders in a country where a group of its citizens had to endure excruciating conditions of disenfranchisement, inferiority and degradation of a second class citizenship by reasons of race, color or origin. In effort to condemn allRead MoreAnalysis Of Martin Luther King Jr s I Have A Dream Speech1480 Words   |  6 PagesRights Movement, Martin Luther King Jr s I Have A Dream speech was broadcasted across the nation and heard by millions of Americans on August 28, 1963. Throughout the decades, many have promoted the importance of racial equality in America. Leaders such as William J. Clinton, Barack Obama, and George W. Bush have contributed to modern social movements by, doing as Dr. King himself, giving speeches to varying audiences concerning the issue of racial inequality. Above all, Martin Luther King Jr made theRead MoreThe Swinging Sixties: A Time of Civ il Resistance Essay987 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"Free at last† were the words of a legendary man who would later inspire change throughout the world. Through his panoply of work, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. challenged the popular idea of African Americans being of less status than â€Å"white men†. His I Have a Dream speech is recognized across the world, not only as inspiration for blacks everywhere, but also as a prime example of non-violent civic activism. King’s main objective was to achieve the equality that blacks had been deprived of. He discussedRead More The Rhetoric of Pathos in the Writings of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.1141 Words   |  5 PagesThe Rhetoric of Pathos in the Writings of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. I have a dream, says Dr. Samuel Proctor, Martin Luther King, Jr. Professor Emeritus of Rutgers University. All the little children--you hear everywhere you go: I have a dream. All the little children repeating that speech. Its become like the Star Spangled Banner or the Pledge of Allegiance. Its entered our culture. And so it has: I have a dream has become one of the most memorable phrases of the twentieth centuryRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of I Have A Dream Speech1058 Words   |  5 PagesMartin Luther King Jr’s â€Å"I have a Dream† demonstrates the combination of the rhetorical appeals to support his argument for equality and social justice because he draws attention to the past history of America’s Injustice and oppression towards black Americans. One of the explanations that the I Have a Dream address by Martin Luther King Jr. is memorable is that it contains a superb balance of Aristotles 3 rhetorical appeals: attribute, pathos, and logos. Ethos is associate charm to authorityRead MoreMartin Luther King s I Have A Dream Speech961 Words   |  4 PagesMartin Luther King Jr.’s Historic â€Å"I Have a Dream† Speech Dr. Martin Luther King’s â€Å"I Have a Dream† speech was written and delivered on August 28, 1963, on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial and remains one of the most historically influential and world-changing speeches of all time. Fifty-two years later, this speech is considered to be one of the best persuasive speeches ever delivered. Dr. King is not only attempting to persuade his audience to understand the plight of minorities in the UnitedRead MoreEssay on The Life of Martin Luther King Jr.1244 Words   |  5 Pagesworld. Martin Luther King, Jr. was born to Alberta and Martin Luther King. Alberta Williams King was born September 13, 1904 in Atlanta, Georgia. Martin Luther King, Sr. was born December 19, 1899 in Stockbridge, Georgia. Martins dad was a pastor at the Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia. His mother was a school teacher. His siblings were Christine King Farris born September 11, 1927, and Alfred Daniel Williams King born July 30, 1930. M artin was the middle child. Martin Luther King